A celebration of urban wildlife

I have been thinking about how much enjoyment I get out of the birds and other critters that visit our yard. This blog is planned to be a series of notes about my observations of the animals I see and their behaviors.
My wife and I garden and enjoy the animals in Penacook, NH. I'd love to hear your comments about these things where you are.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I would never declare a favorite bird, they are all interesting and worthy of attention. But I have to comment on the entertainment value of nuthatches. The "heads down" approach to everything makes them seem like little clowns at times.
We had a family of white breasted nuthatches nesting in an old nest box on the back of the garage. They seem to have found it to their liking as there seems to be more of them around lately. The increase in numbers has led to more entertainment, we both win.
The other day I saw one approaching a hanging squirrel "resistant" feeder, the kind with the horizontal bar for feeding. It perched on the hanger pole and swiveled its head back and forth as if trying to figure out the best approach. It flew to the bar and hung upside down, unable to reach the seeds. Back to the hanger and then another failed attempt. Back up to the hanger and a pause with lots of head swiveling.
Third time's the charm, it landed on the moving metal piece that is supposed to cover the feed slot under a squirrels weight, tipped its head back(down) and helped itself to the sunflower seed prize.
After that all was well, success after success for the nut hatch, lots of entertainment for me.
One other thing about nuthatches is the distinctive nasal voice. I particularly like the red breasted nuthatches 'neep neep' which always makes me smile.

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