A celebration of urban wildlife

I have been thinking about how much enjoyment I get out of the birds and other critters that visit our yard. This blog is planned to be a series of notes about my observations of the animals I see and their behaviors.
My wife and I garden and enjoy the animals in Penacook, NH. I'd love to hear your comments about these things where you are.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

There are downsides too

While I will continue to extol the benefits of a wildlife friendly yard I have to acknowledge that all is not perfect in Eden (or Penacook, as the case may be). Last night around 9PM I heard my wife in the kitchen go "EEEEEWWWW"!! Skunk!
It was close, right by the back of the house I'm sure. This is a season of transition for skunks. The young are moving out and finding their own territories and that often leads to conflict, either with another skunk or with some other critter that feels ownership in the area. And when a skunk conflict evolves to a certain level the results are unpleasant for all.
I have a certain affection for skunks. They are beautiful creatures and for the most part quite calm. A few years ago we had a pair of youngsters that would visit the bird feeder spill in the early evening. The newly independent youngsters seem to be less rigorously nocturnal than adults. I could be within a few feet of them with no incidents. One time one of the neighbors cats was hiding under the bird feeder within inches of the skunk. Again, no conflict.
The good news is that our bedroom wasn't seriously impacted by the odor and by morning it had dissipated. So all is well in the yard again and I hope our skunk and rival have reached a long term agreement on property rights.

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